VIEW Under Eye Fat Reposition

big or empty under eye or dark circle?
Solve it with VIEW!

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Sedative Anesthesia

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7 Days

Learn the difference!
Under Eye Fat Removal vs Repositioning vs Lower Blepharoplasty

Under Eye Fat Removal

It is performed when the fat under the eyes is bulging.

Under Eye Fat Repositioning

For cases the under eye fat tissue sticks out + sunken teartraps

Lower Blepharoplasty

When the under eye fat tissue sticks out +dented sunken teartraps + extreme sagging under eyes


We proceed VIEW premium system for high-quality result.

VIEW Under Eye Fat Repositioning

1Double ImprovementSimultaneously corrects the eye shape improving fine wrinkles and dark circles under eyes.
2Anti- aging EffectImproves eye look by balancing and maintaining the volume the fat under the eye even though it helps get rid of sagging.
3Minimize Scar ExposureIncisions are made close to the conjunctiva line to prevent the scars to expose externally.


1Eye Specialist Eye specialist doctor is responsible from the consultation, surgery to post surgery check.
2Safe anesthesia systemAnesthesia and pain medicine specialists are stand by for intensive monitoring from before surgery until recovery after surgery.
3Systematic Scar Treatment Intensive management of scars in the surgical area through various lasers and ultrasound equipment

Under Eye Fat Repositioning Surgery Method

Brighter and clear image
Less scar ↓

Insicion is made in the conjuntiva inner corner eyes.

Relocate the fat focusing on the bulged and sunken areas of the eyes.

Sutures incision to strengthen the conjunctiva.

Premium Under Eye Fat Reposition After Care

At View Plastic Surgery Clinic, dedicated management department
performs progress check and premium aftercare according to
individual recovery speed for faster recovery and more satisfactory results
after eye surgery.

1Deswelling Treatment Provides self-care training and products to help relieve swelling

2Dedicated Management Personalized management is carried out after treatment according to the recovery speed of each individual

3Progress Check Eye specialist plastic surgeon will check the surgical progress and recovery process

VIEW Surgery Process

In-depth consultation

Personalized consultation considering patient’s eye condition (ratio, skin, etc)

Design and Surgery Plan

Eyelid line designed to fit with patient’s images

Safe Surgery

Safe operation through collaboration between plastic surgeon and anesthesiologist

Intensive Care

Regular progress check by specialist doctor


After Surgery
Drug Prescription/
Self-care Kit
Deswelling Treatment

7 days after
Disinfecting surgical site and
suture removal

7 weeks after
Progress check-up by specialist

1~6 months after
Periodic progress check by the specialist doctor

Under Eye Fat Repositioning FAQ

Can under-eye fat repositioning surgery remove dark circles?

Under-eye fat repositioning is one of the surgical methods to improve dark circles. Dark circles occur mainly in people with thin skin, and may occur due to poor blood circulation or rhinitis. Under-eye fat repositioning surgery helps to improve dark circles by leveling the fat under the skin.

Will it recur after under eye fat repositioning surgery?

If the operation is not performed properly, there is a possibility of recurrence, so the first operation should be done well. Fat, which acts as a cushion under the eyes, is pushed toward the tear sulcus and bulges out in many cases. However, since the pushed out fat is relocated under the periosteum, the hardest membrane, the possibility of recurrence is significantly low.

*Image model

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There may be complications such as bleeding, infection, and inflammation after surgery. Subjective satisfaction may vary between individuals.